US Navy Port Security System
HiRSA™ Case Study

To develop an expeditionary port security system that would rapidly deploy a command and control suite with a set of security and surveillance sensors and systems to provide force protection to US Navy ships in foreign ports.
Persistent Sentinel developed HiRSA – a wireless, distributed asymmetric threat detection, reporting, and situational awareness system for maritime security operations.
- HiRSA utilizes a secure network to link client devices such as PDA’s, Smart Phones or Tablets; allowing force protection sentries to share information in real time about detected suspicious security activities, thereby decreasing security force response times.
- Sentries are able to view the Geographical Imaging Software (GIS) display and camera feed video; send pictures to the command and control center; and create security events that are displayed at the operations center.
- HiRSA fuses information from multiple sensors and data sources to produce a networked Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection (AT/FP) common operating picture for sentries, roving patrols and force protection centers.
- HiRSA was modified and deployed at the Naval Surface Warfare Center Panama City, Florida harbor security and surveillance operations center – significantly expanding the capabilities by integrating port security and surveillance systems.
HiRSA Advantages
Increased operator efficiency and better security
Intuitive to operate, reducing training costs
Easy integration
of new or existing sensors/systems reduces installation costs
Sensor placement planner for optimal coverage
for optimal coverage
Tailored decision support
for better, quicker responses
Persistent video surveillance
with Network Video Recorder (NVR) and database for event reconstruction
“ Extraordinarily professional is very effective and very good situational awareness.”

– GEN Joseph Votel, U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) Commander